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Youth Ministries

2 Timothy 3:15

And that from a child thou hast know the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

Young People Worshipping

The young people of our church are an integral part of our church and ministry. In almost every ministry, you will find a young person. We desire that they would serve God with their lives as they are the future of our church. It is a blessing to see young people grow up in church, and are faithful in years to come.

Not only do we have young people from our church, but we have the opportunity to bring them in on our busses. They enjoy the same fellowship and teaching as any other young person. We want as many young people to hear about Christ and let Him change their lives. This can positively affect their families as well and many parents have been saved as a result.

We do not believe in using worldliness to bring in young people. We do not use rock music or entertainment to get young people to come to church. We believe that only the Gospel changes lives.

Sunday School

We have a combined Sunday School class for our youth, grades seven to twelve. Here, young people can not only fellowship with each other, but also learn about the things of God.


Several times throughout the year, the young people have activities geared towards them. These are great times of fun and fellowship. Each activity also has a spiritual emphasis, as they hear a devotion from the Word of God. In addition, there are youth conferences that they attend both locally with other churches and a week-long, overnight conference.


In the summer, the young people can go to Camp Cozaddale, held on the grounds of our church. This week-long, day camp offers fun activities and fellowship, food, and spiritual help. The main emphasis is on the spiritual with Bible memory, personal devotions, and three preaching services a day.